Saturday, January 11, 2014

First Week of the New Year


Is it just me, or did this week take FOREVER to go by? I can't believe it was only the first week after break! And yet... every single day seemed to go super quickly, and nothing could get done.

For me, Monday also signified my going back to school, and I am now on track to get my M.Ed in elementary education from University of Central Florida.

I bring that up because this blog is going to play a part in my first semester of grad school! I am taking an online course in technology, and we need to respond to items using our blog. So I thought, hey? Why not use THIS blog for it? So you will see posts filed under "EME5050" and those pertain to my tech class. :) 

But, as for life in 5th grade, our first week back was a roller coaster. I had a sit down to discuss my first formal observation from my principal (which, of course, happened the week before winter break...), had a Charter School's "Quest" Walk Through and an informal observation back to back on the same day, started serving as the Team Lead for my 5th grade team, and participated in a 5 hour long meeting about Science curriculum leading up to the FCAT (so my team only taught reading that day, and then we had a sub the second half of the day) - which, the Science meeting was cancelled on us the morning of it and then reinstated 15 minutes prior to when it was to start. And that was all outside of just teaching my little Lovebugs. 

For 5th grade students this week, they had to turn in their Science Fair projects and present them (which has turned into a fiasco, since they keep trying to bring the experiments in to DO them for their classmates, against what I have told them), but they have also gotten a 95% class average on our latest math quiz/topic (we won't talk about the class average on the science quiz that they took right after I gave them the answers...), and we started a read aloud at the end of the day with There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom.

The book is a personal favorite of mine, and my kids seem to love it too. We will be starting Chapter 18 on Monday afternoon, though we pull it into our Reading lessons during the morning with making predictions and any other reading skill we're working on in the room. 

But, as for now, I need to get to work on creating a schedule for myself this week so I don't get behind and procrastinate on all of this grad school work, and lesson plans, and grading (our quarter ends this Friday!), AND creating things for my wonderful kiddos. So I will leave you with a few classroom photos I managed to take :)

Proud teacher moment - getting that 95% Class Average! Hopefully the next few topics show something similar :) 

This is one of my favorite projects that were done, the student brought in an example of what she did but... she colored a real flower by putting it in ink in a bottle! 

Another Science Fair project that came in. Her robug is adorable in person too, and it's one of my students who has trouble with a lot of material, so I'm super proud.

Our "Progress Tracker" board so far... right now, I only have Benchmarks with the goals for our next one, and our current Math Topic. But I'm going to be working on a way for them to track the Sunshine Standards they master at the bottom area there. I'm thinking of calling it "Target Track" so they know they're on target for FCAT and what they need to focus on more :) 

Until next time!

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